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  • Regular price $160.00

PBPTEliteFPC29 Catchers trainer is made of the high quality Maruhashi Monroe leather and features USA tanned leather lacing. PBPro Elite FastPitch Trainer is a 29" circumference fastpitch catchers trainer specifically designed for the fastpitch athlete. PBPro training gloves are built for and inspired by players for players. PBPro takes training gloves to the next level. PBPro…#DefytheOdds!

Features and Benefits

  • 29" Circumference design to promote quick ball transfer and improve catcher's defensive techniques
  • High Quality Maruhashi Monroe Leather and USA tanned lacing
  • Forces Player To Use Two Hands during infield and ball catching practice.
  • Conventional open back style

  • Premium materials with pocket specifically designed to promote good fastpitch catching habits for bullpen and practice use
  • For right-handed throwers

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